What Makes Us Sassy

We are not your average company, and we like it that way.


We are particularly dedicated to small businesses and helping them become empowered and successful. We help get them started, provide training and ongoing support, and then watch the grow.

When we are not working on businness projects, we are planning and coordinating events. 

But we don’t stop there.

We are advocates and activists who work tirelessly to end child sex abuse and trafficking. We volunteer and speak out in an effort to  raise awareness to communities, and to push for stronger laws against  human traffickers and child abusers. So, our company has both profit and non-profit aspects.

What We Do Best

We disagree, we debate and our ideas differ. But, we inspire each other, we empower each other and we support each other. 

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Jake Donavan

Designer, Elegant Themes

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Jessica Nichols

CEO, Turn Studios

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Rozaro Federar

Head Chef, Divi Restaurant